Digital Logic Design | تصميم منطقي رقمي
عن الدورة
الشرح من كتاب
Digital Design by M. Morris Mano and Michael D. Ciletti
لتحميل ملفات الشرح المترجمة علي جروب التليجرام للمادة
جروب التليجرام العام لكل المواد
للتواصل واتساب
محتوي الكورس
chapter 1: Digital Systems and Binary Numbers
1.1 Digital Systems
1.2 Binary Numbers
1.3 Number‐Base Conversions
1.4 Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers
1.5 Complements of Numbers
1.6 Signed Binary Numbers
1.7 Binary Codes
1.8 Binary Storage and Registers
1.9 Binary Logic chapter
2: Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Basic Definitions
2.3 Axiomatic Definition of Boolean Algebra
2.4 Basic Theorems and Properties of Boolean Algebra
2.5 Boolean Functions
2.6 Canonical and Standard Forms
2.7 Other Logic Operations
2.8 Digital Logic Gates
2.9 Integrated Circuits chapter
3: Gate-Level Minimization
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The Map Method
3.3 Four‐Variable K-Map
3.4 Product‐of‐Sums Simplification
3.5 Don’t‐Care Conditions
3.6 NAND and NOR Implementation
3.7 Other Two‐Level Implementations
3.8 Exclusive‐OR Function
chapter 4: Combinational Logic
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Combinational Circuits
4.3 Analysis Procedure
4.4 Design Procedure
4.5 Binary Adder–Subtractor
4.6 Decimal Adder
4.7 Binary Multiplier
4.8 Magnitude Comparator
4.9 Decoders
4.10 Encoders
4.11 Multiplexers
chapter 5: Synchronous Sequential Logic
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Sequential Circuits
5.3 Storage Elements: Latches
5.4 Storage Elements: Flip‐Flops
5.5 Analysis of Clocked Sequential Circuits
5.6 Synthesizable HDL Models of Sequential Circuits
5.7 State Reduction and Assignment
5.8 Design Procedure chapter
6: Registers and Counters
6.1 Registers
6.2 Shift Registers
6.3 Ripple Counters
6.4 Synchronous Counters
6.5 Other Counters chapter
7: Memory and Programmable Logic
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Random‐Access Memory
7.3 Memory Decoding
7.4 Error Detection and Correction
7.5 Read‐Only Memory
7.6 Programmable Logic Array
7.7 Programmable Array Logic
7.8 Sequential Programmable Devices
محتوى الدورة
CHAPTER 1 Digital Systems and Binary Numbers
1. Digital Logic Design Decimal, Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal تصميم منطقي رقمي
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2. from binary to Decimal and from Decimal to binary
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3. Octal and decimal and binary conversion
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4. Hexadecimal-binary conversion
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5. converting from any number system to decimal
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6. converting from Decimal to any number system
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7. converting from any number system to decimal using calculator (integers)
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8. converting from any number system to decimal using calculator (fraction)
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9. converting from any number system to any number system using calculator
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10. Binary coded decimal (BCD)
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11. Gray code
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12. ASCII code
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13. Binary Addition
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14. Binary Subtraction – Borrowing method
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15. Signed Binary Athematic
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16. Signed numbers and 1’s 1nd 2’s complement